2/4/10 City Affair: Transit Advocacy in Saint Louis
Thursday, January 21, 2010
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Saint Louis has a better performing and more used transit system than many comparable cities and regions, yet popular opinion continuously sides against Metro. Current events have demonstrated that transit is a vital component of the economy. While the state of Illinois recognizes the importance of transit, Missouri provides 7% as much funding for Metro and ranks 35th nationally for transit funding.

We will hear about new metro initiatives and discuss strategies for supporting Proposition M with the following panel:
Tom Shrout - Tom is Executive Director of Citizens for Modern Transit, an advocacy organization founded over twenty years ago to advocate for light rail transit in Saint Louis. Mr. Shrout first spoke to City Affair in April 2009.
Courtney Sloger - Courtney is an online media specialist for Metro where she coordinates the new metro blog Next Stop STL: http://www.nextstopstl.org/
Melissa Legge - Melissa is a former Metro intern and senior in environmental studies at Washington University
Following forty five minutes of panel discussion we will open the floor to audience questions.
Thursday, February 4 2010
7:30-9:00 PM
Arcturis Offices
Laclede Gas Building, Second Floor
720 Olive Street Saint Louis, Mo. 63101
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Great job on the new web space!
Is the 2/4 event really XXIII? I didn't think CA was old enough to have 22 past events under its belt.
You might headline this as "Feb '10" I almost plunked 2/10/10 on my calendar vs. 2/4....
Here's an interesting story from the other end of the spectrum, where a city's expansive metro service, which fuels the local economy with mobility of cheap labor, is feuding with the city gov't over money.
It would nice if STL had these kinds of problems one day.
P.S. The new website looks great.
This is a BYOB event, so let's all act like mature adults and be respectful of our host's presentation space. Arcturis has been very kind to allow the use of their office, and we're very appreciative. Please come and enjoy and participate in the conversation.